Starting My Dietetic Internship



I’m finally beginning to use my blog that I started my senior year of high school for my Girl Scout Gold Award project, maybe I’ve been a little busy being a dietetic intern! I was accepted into the Western Michigan University dietetic internship in early April and began the internship in late August. The process of getting matched to an internship was a daunting one, however, I was so grateful to be matched with an internship that has allowed me to explore a new state while also integrating my passion for sustainability and the environment.

Dietetic interns go through rotations, much like nurses or doctors might do, that highlight the main concentrations a dietitian might work in. My first rotation was with the Grand Rapids Public School district working with the dietitian and the other nutrition center employees. I got hands-on experience working in the kitchen with the cooks at various schools assessing the flow of the kitchen, staff productivity, communication and product satisfaction. I also learned to develop menus for the school district while altering them according to certain allergens. thumbnail_IMG_9564But my one of my favorite projects was conducting a food demonstration and tasting at one of the high schools. The dietitian and I handed out baked sweet potatoes and veggie nuggets with a recipe card, facts about eating produce in season and an evaluation of the tasting. Much to our surprise, students were very eager to try AND evaluate the tasting. The students were very pleased and wanted to see the items again in the menu!

Now I am with the Holland WIC (Women, Infant, and Children) clinic, and I get to see babies everyday! It’s a dream come true. I have been working on a nutrition education resource for parents about fiber and constipation for both children and pregnant mothers. And I know this won’t be the first time I’ll be talking about poop in the field of dietetics. The dietitians often talk about another personal topic, breastfeeding. WIC-logo-web-300x150I never knew just how much can go into educating about breastfeeding and all the health benefits that can come out of breastfeeding your baby such as immune support, vitamins and minerals, and promoting healthy growth for baby. Breastfeeding can also promote weight maintenance for mom and is free believe it or not.

I can’t wait to see what else is in store throughout my internship but I know I will continue to learn a lot from a variety of seasoned professionals, and they really are so supportive in the educational journey that is the internship.

Next up, community nutrition!


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