What’s So Good About Vitamin C?

Most people associate vitamin C with immunity and preventing the common cold. We start feeling a cold coming on, people tell us: “you better take some vitamin C”. This statement is partially true in that vitamin C consistently in our diet can help to build up our immunity. However, simply taking a vitamin C tablet right when we are already developing a cold likely won’t prevent it all together. Although, consistently taking vitamin C could possibly reduce the duration at which a cold persists by up to 1 day, and even more so in children.

Vitamin C is an essential dietary vitamin since humans can’t make it on their own, and this is why we need to eat foods with adequate vitamin C. But back to the question, “what’s so good about vitamin C?”. Vitamin C is not only an essential antioxidant component that has the potential to protect our body from free radicals that may cause cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and immune deficiencies, it can also aid in wound healing since it is an important part of connective tissue formation.

Are you iron-deficient?

Vitamin C also plays a large role in improving absorption of iron. The iron that comes from plant foods, called non-heme iron, doesn’t absorb so easily in our bodies compared to heme, animal-based iron. Some examples of non-heme sources are spinach, eggs, nuts, seeds, oats, and beans. Examples of heme iron sources are really any animal food, such as beef, chicken, or pork. But when we consume a vitamin C-rich food in the same meal that we consume a plant-based iron source it will improve how much our body absorbs. This is especially important for those who are vegetarian or vegan.

How much Vitamin C should I be getting?

The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) suggests the amount of a nutrient that 97-98% of the population needs. The chart below lists the RDA depending on age and gender. Most of us need 65-90 mg, men needing more on average.

vitamin c RDA

Where Can I Get My Daily Vitamin C?

It’s true, what they tell you. Fruits and vegetables really are great for your health and do contain the best sources of vitamin C, especially citrus fruits. Below are the top 8 and most commonly eaten foods high in vitamin C:

vitamin c sources

You can get your daily allowance for vitamin C with one serving of red bell pepper, orange juice or a combo of two of the above. Other sources include tomatoes, spinach, potato, and broccoli.

Can I take too much Vitamin C?

Yes, you can consume a toxic level of vitamin C but common symptoms are only diarrhea, nausea, abdominal cramps, and some gastrointestinal issues.




Office of Dietary Supplements – Vitamin C. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/VitaminC-HealthProfessional/.

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